t-shirt design
t-shirt design
I was tasked with designing a poster (left) as well as a shirt design (right) in collaboration with Efrem Fitch for the Fall 24' Bom Rock-A-Thon, an live music event curated and led by student musicians and artists.
both green & white screenprinted CD sleeves
both green & white screenprinted CD sleeves
risograph printed booklets
risograph printed booklets
risograph printed booklets, tracklist inside
risograph printed booklets, tracklist inside
For this same event, I created a CD compilation of sounds & bands from CCA, with sleeves screenprinted by me and risograph printed booklets. The full compilation is available to listen to on youtube.
select pages of the zine
select pages of the zine
collage spread created by myself and Milli
collage spread created by myself and Milli
Gikan Sa Yutang Natawhan is a 16 page zine created in collaboration with Millicent Villacastin which contains an exclusive interview with hardcore Bay Area veterans, AninoKo. The interview was directed by Milli and our friend Enzo, while I took photos and compiled the information into a digestible zine format. Available at Adobe Books & Arts Cooperative as well as Medicine for Nightmares in limited quantities.
poster advertising club meetings for ccaradio
poster advertising club meetings for ccaradio
poster advertising the earworm broadcast, which was live during the spring 24' semester
poster advertising the earworm broadcast, which was live during the spring 24' semester
poster advertising donut day for radio club
poster advertising donut day for radio club
poster advertising El Ratón Pérez
poster advertising El Ratón Pérez
poster advertising the premiere of El Ratón Pérez, a stop-motion short co-directed by me
poster advertising the premiere of El Ratón Pérez, a stop-motion short co-directed by me

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